Re: Wifi Hotspot configuration.

On Sat, 2016-03-26 at 17:53 +0100, devops036 devops036 wrote:

I recently installed a home server under CentOS 7.
I wanted to use it as a Wifi Hotspot.
I tried to activate this feature at the command line without success.
I couldn't find a command, a script, any documentation locally or on
the Internet to do that!

The only solution was to install a graphical desktop that I didn't
need, execute the nm-connection-editor command and press the Wifi
Hotspot button.

Is it normal?

There are multiple client applications that all communicate via D-Bus
with NetworkManager.

On nm-1.2 there will be a command `nmcli device wifi hotspot` to create
a wifi hotspot. However, there is no direct alternative on nm-1.0/rhel-

Note that `nmcli device wifi hotspot` is just a convenience command.
You can achieve the same outcome by modifying an existing connection to
have all to settings for a wifi-hotspot. Something like

  nmcli connection modify $CONNECTION \
      802-11-wireless.mode ap \
      ipv4.method shared \
      #more settings...

  or try:

  nmcli connection edit $CONNECTION

The problem is of course, *what* are the correct settings. See `man nm-
settings` or type help/describe in edit mode.

Note that all clients in the end create a text file with the connection
settings. Either in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections or (on
CentOS) /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*.
You can edit the files directly. The manual pages are again nm-
settings, nm-settings-ifcfg-rh and nm-settings-keyfile.

Or, say you used nm-connection-editor on another host, look at the
fields that it set: `nmcli connection show $CONNECTION`

Then, I tried to read the sources of the NetworkManager packages to
find out what was done behind the Wifi Hotspot button.

Which Wifi Hotspot button do you mean?

The nm-connection-editor sources are in the "network-manager-applet"

I didn't succeed.

nmcli (on nm-1-2, not rhel-7.2) does:

nm-connection-editor it's not in one place because there are just a 
bunch of UI input fields that interact:
basically, page-wifi.c, page-wifi-security.c and page-ip4.c work 
together when you select the "Hotspot" mode.

Although I perfectly understand that documentation is something
difficult to put in place, in this case there is almost nothing.

Would anybody be nice to point me to a documentation that I wouldn't
have found or write some procedure to configure Wifi hotspot from the
command line with some explanations about the steps?


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