Re: How to activate MAC address randomization?

On Fri, 2016-04-29 at 16:09 -0400, Chris Laprise wrote:


I just installed NetworkManager 1.2 in fedora 23 in the hopes that I
get mac randomization working. Only problem is there's no sign of a 
setting for this in nmcli or the applet. I found a reference to a 
setting on the NetworkManager.conf manpage which states:

            If left unspecified, MAC address randomization is

But its not clear what range of values should be specified here. The 
nm-settings manpage suggests this is a valid way to turn on

wifi.mac-address-randomization=2 /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

However, it has no effect. I'm not sure what I'm missing here.


How can you tell that it has no effect?

See `man nm-settings`, or

$ nmcli connection edit $WIFI_CONNECTION
describe wifi.mac-address-randomization

Verify the setting with
$ nmcli connection show $WIFI_CONNECTION

Setting default values in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf would
work, for that you need to leave the per-connection value at "default".
After editing the connection, you must always reload with `killall
-SIGHUP NetworkManager`.

mac-address-randomization requires support by Hardware and wpa-
supplicant. On Fedora23 I get a failure and the logfile reads:

  device (wlp3s0): Activation: (wifi) couldn't build wireless
configuration: 802-11-wireless: cannot enable mac-randomization due to
missing supplicant support


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