Re: NM changes DHCP address too easily

2016-04-22 11:59 GMT-03:00 matti kaasinen <matti kaasinen gmail com>:

2016-04-22 17:07 GMT+03:00 José Queiroz <zekkerj gmail com>:
Shouldn't the DHCP address be managed by the DHCP server? Even if the client releases the previous lease, the server should send the same address on the next DISCOVER, as long as it is free, that's the recommended server behaviour.
I would like that bhaviour, indeed. However, reality is that DHCP server works like that with board supervised with Connman but not with NM. I have tried to make NM and Connman client settings to look exactly the same to DHCP server like for instance dhcp-client-identifier - based on MAC address.  Everyting seems identical from DHCP server lease log and I can't see difference with Wireshark. Unfortunately I have not got traced that event that changes IP address.

Who is your network's DHCP server?

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