Are the 'other use-cases' for bonding yet supported by NM?

Hello list

Are the 'other use-cases' for bonding yet supported by NM?

In particular - acquiring just one IP address for a laptop that contains both wifi and ethernet interfaces connected to the same network?

If yes, how?
Will following
But, swapping eth0 for p1p1 and eth1 for wlp16s0 at Ex 4.2 work?
If yes, will the same set up also support the first use-case - virtualization?
If no, when?

Hope that's not all too abrupt.

My particular use case is an old laptop as a home server - bonding the wired to wireless ethernet adapters and bridging that to the virtual machine(s)...  Simple, hah?

Many thanks,
Morgan Read

M 0756 365 0923
E read 39parksquare com

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