Re: [PATCH 1/1] start after systemd-networkd

25.11.2015 18:11, Thomas Haller пишет:
On Wed, 2015-11-25 at 15:36 +0100, Christian Hesse wrote:
Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com> on Wed, 2015/11/25 15:11:
On Wed, 2015-11-25 at 11:53 +0100, Christian Hess wrote:
From: Christian Hesse <mail eworm de>

It is possible to use systemd-networkd for some general network
(rename devices, ...) even for devices that are managed by
NetworkManager later.

(does networkd rename device? I'd think that is be done by udev).

That's correct. Interfaces are renamed by udev, not by systemd-networkd.
They share configuration files ( but NamePolicy part is
interpreted by udev only.

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