Re: Interaction between systemd-networkd and NetworkManager

On Fri, 2015-01-23 at 08:37 +0100, Paul Menzel wrote:


Running `systemd-analyze blame`, it shows that the service
NetworkManager still needs 580 ms to finish. Note that this is smaller
than the actual needed time.

I think that systemd declares NetworkManager as started after NM
acquires its DBUS interface.  What do you mean with "the actual needed

Could you please confirm that this is the expected behavior? If not, has
this been fixed in later versions or do I need to configure something

You have a connection "Kabelgebundene Verbindung 1", which is set to
autoconnect=yes. Hence, NetworkManager is doing as told. Either change
the autoconnect setting or delete the connection.

Note that this connection was probably autogenerated by NetworkManager.
If you delete it, NM will not generate it anew.
Also, if you would have set "no-auto-default=eth1" in the configuration,
NM would also not have created this connection in the first place, but
as it is, you can just delete it.


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