wrong NTP servers list is used

I needed to hack /etc/default/ntpdate on a Debian system to contain:


so that it would use the DHCP-supplied ntp-servers when I "ifup eth0".

When I try to use NetworkManager to bring up the interface instead,
it uses a different NTP servers list.  I know this from the /var/log/syslog
output, where I find a lot of

 ntpdate[...]: sendto(...): Operation not permitted

and corresponding netfilter log lines showing the NTP communication blocked
(as desired), with a final

 ntpdate[...]: no server suitable for synchronization found

The servers listed number in the dozens and appear similar to those chosen
by the "ifup" path when NTPDATE_USE_NTP_CONF=yes, i.e.,

 NTPSERVERS="0.debian.pool.ntp.org 1.debian.pool.ntp.org 2.debian.pool.ntp.org 3.debian.pool.ntp.org"

seems to be getting used.

This is odd, since I thought /etc/default/ntpdate is only used from the
/usr/sbin/ntpdate-debian script, whose logic would choose either the
DHCP-acquired ntp-servers (via /var/lib/ntpdate/default.dhcp), or nothing.

So, where is NetworkManager getting these NTP servers from?

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