Re: wrong NTP servers list is used

Hi Mike,

On Wed, 2014-10-15 at 23:36 +0000, Mike wrote:
I needed to hack /etc/default/ntpdate on a Debian system to contain:


so that it would use the DHCP-supplied ntp-servers when I "ifup eth0".

When I try to use NetworkManager to bring up the interface instead,
it uses a different NTP servers list.  I know this from the /var/log/syslog
output, where I find a lot of

 ntpdate[...]: sendto(...): Operation not permitted

and corresponding netfilter log lines showing the NTP communication blocked
(as desired), with a final

 ntpdate[...]: no server suitable for synchronization found

The servers listed number in the dozens and appear similar to those chosen
by the "ifup" path when NTPDATE_USE_NTP_CONF=yes, i.e.,


seems to be getting used.

This is odd, since I thought /etc/default/ntpdate is only used from the
/usr/sbin/ntpdate-debian script, whose logic would choose either the
DHCP-acquired ntp-servers (via /var/lib/ntpdate/default.dhcp), or nothing.

So, where is NetworkManager getting these NTP servers from?

NetworkManager does not do anything with NTP.

It's probably the DHCP client shipped with your distribution that
invokes ntpdate upon getting the DHCP reply. Look for "script" clause in
you dhclient.conf or into dhclient.d, if present.


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