Re: dhcpv6-problem

On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 21:31 +0200, Thomas Schäfer wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2014, 11:42:01 schrieben Sie:
On Sun, 2014-07-06 at 20:22 +0200, Bjørn Mork wrote:
BTW, I just noticed: Linux uses the relately new UUID DUID type.  Try to
change to the more common LLT DUID type, like Windows uses, and see if
that helps. Lots of DHCPv6 implementations look into the DUID to get mac
addresses and may very well barf on both DUID-UUID and DUID-EN.  They
just don't care about the specs.

You're probably right.  For NM + dhclient, if there is no user-specified
DUID in the configuration files, NM will generate a DUID-UUID (RFC 6355)
for privacy reasons.  To test whether this is indeed the issue, you can
put the following line:

default-duid "\000\001\000\001\023=V0\000#T\304\314\203";

(this is the dhclient escaped for of the DUID that I got from
zte823dhcpv6roblem2.cap for the successful run)

Let us know how that goes!

It was not successful.
I think NM took the duid, you provided. But the result is the same - time out.

The Client Identifier options are now exactly the same between Linux and
Windows.  The only other things are some differences in the option
request list, a client FQDN, and the Windows client sending a "Vendor
Class" option.  I'm not sure any of these would make a difference.

But just to check, you do have any firewall set to allow DHCPv6, right?
I've had that problem in the past...


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