Re: IP6 client-id for DHCP6

On Wed, 2013-07-24 at 17:15 -0400, Stuart Gathman wrote:
Network Manager in Fedora 19 has a Client ID field in the IP4 tab when 
configuring a connection.  For DHCP servers that support it, this allows 
keeping the same lease when swapping hardware without changing the 
hardware MAC.

While this is a relatively recent feature for IP4 DHCP, it is pretty 
much the only way to assign a fixed address for IP6 DHCP.  And yet, the 
IP6 tab doesn't even display the client id!  I have to get a dynamic ip, 
and then dig through lease files to extract the client-id, and then 
convert the format from escaped byte string to hex.  Could we have some 
way to at least display the client-id in a form accepted by dhcpd6.conf?

For now, you can add the client ID to eg /etc/dhclient6-wlan0.conf which
will get read by NM and merged into the final dhclient config that's
actually sent to the server.


In the mean time, what is the most reliable procedure using lease 
files?  It still takes me way too long.  Any utilities already written 
to scan server lease file and output client id in dhcnd6.conf compatible 
form (with assigned dynamic IP for identification)?
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