Re: How frequently org.freedektop.ModemManager.Modem.Cdma.SignalQuality signals signal strength?

On Mon, 2013-07-22 at 22:30 +0530, satya gowtham kudupudi wrote:
But I've got 3 end points! Don't they help me? In Windows, there is a
dynamic change in signal indicator with same modem when i carry my laptop
around the building, across the streets in car!

Just because you've got the three endpoints doesn't mean the rest of the
system can actually use them.  Obviously on Windows the manufacturer has
done all the hard work and thus you don't have this problem there.

First you need a kernel driver that can speak the USB protocol the
device speaks.

Second you need to know what command/control protocol is sent over top
of the USB protocol in #1 (AT, DIAG, QMI, WMC, etc) and you need some
software to speak this protocol with the device.  We don't know yet what
protocol each of the USB interfaces speaks.

Can you grab the full "lsusb -v -d 19d2:fff1" output so we can see what
the USB layout is?  Just because an interface has three endpoints
doesn't mean that interface speaks QMI, it might just as easily speak AT
commands or something else too.

Looking through the logs, I'm not sure this device supports QMI.  What
model # is it again?

Also, you could try using ModemManager 0.6.2 which has a fix for ZTE
devices that should more reliably detect their QCDM port, which will get
you signal reporting while PPP is active, using the QCDM/DIAG port of
the device.


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Aleksander Morgado
<aleksander lanedo com>wrote:


    hi, this is what i've done...

    1. i found 3 endpoints on interface 0.
    2. # echo 1-1.2:1.0 > /sys/bus/usbl/drivers/option/unbind
    3. # modprobe qmi_wwan
    4. echo "19d2 fff1" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/qmi_wwan/new_id
    5. installed libqmi-utils

    i didnt find /dev/cdc-wdmX device !

If you didn't get a cdc-wdm device with those steps, you probably don't
have a QMI device there; so you're stuck to updating signal quality only
when the modem is not connected (i.e. when the AT port is free for AT


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