Re: Possible GSOC project ideas

----- Original Message -----
From: "todd rme" <toddrme2178 gmail com>
1. Implement one item on the TODO list.  I was going to propose
implement WPS, but I see this is already on the todo list.

It doesn't matter whether it's on the todo list or not.

2. Implement wifi-direct/p2p.  This allows two wireless devices to
connect directly to each other, securely sending files without going
over a WIFI network.

We have ad-hoc networking and you can use just any protocol over that. Where's the documentation for this 
protocol, what's its purpose and why is it specific to wifi while other protocols work over any link?

Android now supports this, and the iPhone has
some implementation although it is compatible with normal ones.

So far I don't see whether and why it is related to the link-layer protocol.

Further, it is a prerequisite for the new miracast standard, which
allows wireless streaming of videos between supported devices.

Same as above.

Android now supports it for sending video, and it looks like TVs will
start implementing it for receiving video in the near future.  People
have been working on this in wpa_supplicant, but I don't know its
status so this project may require some hacking there too.

3. Implement auto-detection of connection status.

This is already supported roughly in a way you are describing it below.

This would be a
check that is carried out after connecting to a wired or wireless
network.  It would check whether you are actually able to browse the
internet.  The most likely approach would be to have website hosted
one or more free-software servers that would contain a particular
in its HTML, and networkmanager would check for that code.  If it
an error, it would send a signal of some sort to the front-end that
cannot connect.  If it is instead returned a different web page, it
will assume you are at an airport, hotel, or other such public space
that requires that you do something on a web page before it will let
you connect, and it will signal the front-end of this so the
can open a browser or display the page in some other way.  Front-ends
should also be able to signal the backend to re-check the status, and
it should probably automatically re-check at some interval.  I know
windows 7 has a built-in connectivity test, and android has the
ability to automatically check whether one of these login sites is in
the way.

I don't think any of the above features are appealing enough to attract a mentor to devote his time to it. 
Someone with different opinion?


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