Re: Custom device plugin

2012/9/8 Marius Kotsbak <marius kotsbak gmail com>
> On Sep 7, 2012 8:43 PM, "Kirill Elagin" <kirelagin gmail com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I hardly know anything about NetworkManager internals, but I've recently
> > got a question and I've decided to just ask it here instead of doing lots of
> > researching, so excuse me, please, if the answer is obvious.
> >
> > Here in Russia we have a company, Yota, that provides LTE access through
> > custom-made modems. Those modems use RNDIS, so NetworkManager thinks they
> > are just network adapters.
> Is it identifiable somehow, e.g. by a unique USB ID or name of the virtual
> network adapter, so that NM could know if that plugin should be used?
> --
> Marius

Well, yes, of course, you can identify it by VendorId+ProductId. I'm
currently using it to make udev assign a custom interface name.

Кирилл Елагин

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