NetworkManager and GPS Support


Today i've been working on implementing GPS support for my HSPA modem.
The implementing itself is not that hard, but there are some issues.

The code (its NOT complete) can be found on

Now I got some question about then next steps.

To enable the GPS, you need to send "AT*E2GPSCTL=1,5,1" to /dev/ttyACM1.
After this "AT*E2GPSNPD" can be send to the device where you want the GPS messages from. This can be send to /dev/ttyACM1, but then you can't send other commands to that device anymore.

But the device has also /dev/ttyACM2 that is made for this.
We can send "AT*E2GPSNPD" to that device, and then /dev/ttyACM2 will send all the GPS info.

Now the issue is how to handle the ttyACM2 device.
As there doesn't seem to be a command to ask if that device is the GPS device.

Now it gets ignored by modemmanager.

Any idea's on how I could handle this?

Thanks in advance!

Jean-Louis Dupond

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