Re: nm cannot correctly set interface as unmanaged

On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 13:11 +0200, Simone wrote:
> Hi,
>  thank you for answers.
> 2010/9/15 Mathieu Trudel <mathieu tl gmail com>:
> > Does eth1 get recognized any better if you leave NM enabled but just remove
> > the comment for gateway?
> I tried to edit my "/etc/network/interfaces" decommenting[1] and removing[2] the
> "gw" line but nm-status prints out the same output ::
>     - Device: eth1
>       State:             unmanaged
>     - Device: eth0  [Auto eth0]
>       State:             connected

This is a design choice in the ifupdown plugin so that people who
already had set up configuration information in /e/n/i wouldn't
automatically have NM take over that interface.  The ifupdown system
settings plugin will "unmanaged" well-known devices, by which it means
any device that has explicit configuration in /e/n/i.  To turn that off,
you make /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
(or /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf if that's what you
already have) look like this:


and restart NM.  NM should then manage those ethernet and wifi
interfaces defined in /e/n/i, and it should also use the exact
configuration you've specified there.  If it doesn't, thats a bug we
need to fix in ifupdown.


> Simone
> "/etc/network/interfaces" (gw line decommented):
>     auto lo
>     iface lo inet loopback
>           up nameif
>     auto eth0
>     iface eth0 inet dhcp
>     auto eth1
>     iface eth1 inet static
>         address
>         network
>         netmask
>         gateway
> "/etc/network/interfaces" (gw line removed) :
>     auto lo
>     iface lo inet loopback
>           up nameif
>     auto eth0
>     iface eth0 inet dhcp
>     auto eth1
>     iface eth1 inet static
>         address
>         network
>         netmask

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