Re: Auto eth0 is back

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Jirka Klimes <jklimes redhat com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 of September 2010 02:33:49 Seblu wrote:
>> Hello,
>> First thanks to dev this great tool, it help me everydays :)
>> I currently use the lastest version networkmanager 0.8.1 on archlinux
>> with the kde plasma applet to configure my networks.
>> My probleme is simple, i've 3 networks type : Eth, Wifi and Mobile
>> Broadband. Everytime my laptop is on his dock (eth0 is on), applet
>> connect everytime to a "Auto eth0". This prevent me to use wifi or
>> Mobile broadband without undock my laptop. I have deeply search a
>> configuration solution about who create this device "Auto eth0" and
>> this line in syslog let me do the following supposition.
>> rwolf NetworkManager[4577]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting
>> connection 'Auto eth0'
>> So i suppose it's not kde applet fault if this connection is present
>> and auto... I'm wondering how i can prevent NetworkManager to create
>> it ?
>> Regards,
> The 'Auto eth0' connection (i.e. configuration) is a system-wide connection. It
> is created by NetworkManager daemon when no other connection is present for a
> wired device. Its purpose is automatically provide connectivity without any
> configuration. However, you can modify it to suite your needs (e.g. switch off
> autoconnection, etc.) or just delete it and create a new one. You can do that
> via nm-applet/nm-connection-editor. After doing that the "default" connections
> becomes normal system connection (persistently stored and retaining its
> settings).
> In order to be able to save modifications, you have to have a system plugin
> enabled,
> /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf should contain:
> [main]
> plugins=keyfile
> But, I see that you may have a problem since you use kde-plasma-
> networkmanagement applet and that doesn't have ability to edit system
> connections yet.
> There's a possibility to use D-Bus to delete a connection:
> dbus-send  --system --print-reply --
> dest='org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSystemSettings'
> '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManagerSettings/0'
> org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings.Connection.Delete
> And you should be also able to prevent NM creating the "Auto eth0" by placing
> no-auto-default=<the MAC of eth0 here>
> to the [main] section in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
> (which is what NM does when "Auto eth0" is manually deleted in nm-connection-
> editor or via D-Bus call).
> Example:
> [main]
> plugins=keyfile
> no-auto-default=00:24:1d:60:c4:ba

thank you very much for this explanation !

Sébastien Luttringer

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