Re: Is it possible that a command line interface to the network-manager functionality could be added?

Darren Albers <dalbers gmail com> writes:

Hi Darren,

> nmcli might be what you are looking for:

I once looked at nmcli, but I couldn't figure out how to use it.  To be
more specific, how do I tell it to connect to the WIFI with SSID "foo"
using WPA2 with user "jon" and password "secret"?  Currently, I use
cnetworkmanager for that.

Do I understand it correctly, that currently nmcli only supports
connections you have previously setup using nm-applet?  But I even
cannot "see" those.  Is that because I use knetworkmanager instead of
nm-applet, and thus my credentials are stored in kwallet instead of the
Gnome keyring?  Or do I need to start a DBUS session bus somehow first?
(I guess that's normally done as soon as you login your
Gnome/KDE/XFCE..., but not when logging in at a console...)


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