Re: network-manager 0.8.1-beta2 does not work with isc dhcp-clients 3.1.3 and 4.1.1


Am Sonntag, den 30.05.2010, 20:24 +0200 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> NM 0.8.1 requires ISC dhcp-client with DHCPv6 support enabled.
> The isc-dhcp package from experimental has DHCPv6 support disabled, due to build
> failures in the past, which have been sorted out in 4.1.1.

Ok, thank you for the information.

> Hopefully Andrew finds the time to upload a new version with DHCPv6 support
> enabled (I CCed just in case).

Yes, i really hope this too.

> Not sure if he still plans to upload isc-dhcp 4.x to unstable so it has a chance
> to get into squeeze.
> Of course I would prefer to have a newer dhcp version in Debian (and Ubuntu
> fwiw), on the other hand if NM 0.8.1 could safely fall back to not use dhcpv6 if
> older dhclient versions are detected, it would be even better.

I agree that a fallback to be compatible with the older dhclient would
be the best option.

Anyway, thank you very much for maintaining NM, i realy hope that NM
0.8.1 and Modemmanager 0.4, once they are released, will make it into
Squeeze because with this combination i can finally stop using
commandline tools to create a connection via DUN over Bluetooth to get
internet access while underway.


Thomas Schmidt, Debian VDR Team

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