Re: [RFC] Fast-user-switching plans

Le 28/05/2010 09:16, Simon Geard a écrit :

>> Simply because IP is not designed like this at all. NetworkManager's
>> scope is make IP networking easy; not to re-invent the Internet.
> Actually, couldn't something be done with Netfilter rules? The
> connection (a VPN, say) might technically be system-wide, but with rules
> enforcing that only applications running as a certain user could send
> and receive packets on it? Perhaps imperfect, but a starting point...

Sockets have owners, but I doubt very much you can extend that to
packets. The "end-to-end principle" strikes again. So this rules out
Netfilter I am afraid.

On the other hand, maybe SELinux or POSIX capabilities could do
something at the socket level.

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