Fake/force NM to treat a bridge/bond/macvlan as an ethernet device?

I understand that NetworkManager doesn't currently support virtual
bridging, bonding, or macvlan interfaces. Is there any way to force NM
to treat these devices as if they were simply ethernet interfaces?

I'm not looking for any more functionality than NM currently provides
for an ethernet device. By the time NM starts, the virtual devices
have already been created, and they don't need any additional
management of their "exotic" functions. I'd just like to have NM bring
the links up and down, request DHCP leases, configure IP addresses and
routes, and provision VPN tunnels. NM can be completely ignorant of
the functions that 'brctl', 'ifenslave', and 'ip link add|delete'

If this isn't supported, does it seem like a possibility for the
future? Should I make a feature request in Bugzilla?


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