Re: KNetworkManager installation misconfigured

On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 15:22 -0500, cliffhanger gardener com wrote:
> After starting knetworkmanager in kde 4.3 I get the following message
> in a dialog:
> KNetworkManager cannot start because the installation is misconfigured.
> System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings;
> contact your system administrator or distribution.
> KNetworkManager will not start automatically in future.
> I have Networkmanager-kde4.conf in /etc/dbus-1/system.d and have added 
> the following:
> <policy group="users">
> <allow send_destination="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"/>
> <allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"/>
> which was a workaround for problems in KDE4 from google, but to no 
> avail

This depends on your distribution; debian and Ubuntu use group-based
D-Bus authentication, while Fedora, Suse, and Mandrake use another
mechansim called "at_console".

> Networkmanager's log looks okay but stalls before connection
> Can anyone point to where this error might be?

As root, can you do the following?

dbus-send --system --print-reply
--dest=org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerUserSettings /org/freedesktop/NetworkManagerSettings org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings.ListConnections

If that returns an error, then yeah, it's D-Bus or KDE applet
misconfiguration, and you'll probably want to talk to either your
distro, or the KDE4 applet upstream.


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