Re: Auto eth0 editing

2010/2/9 Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com>:
> On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 15:50 +0200, Peteris Krisjanis wrote:
>> Hi NM devs!
>> I have question - is there any plans to prevent users to edit Auto
>> eth0 for their static IP? It is still a very confusing problem. I know
>> solution, I know you can mention it in help and troubleshooting, but
>> still...
> In what way?  Auto eth0 should be able to be edited, since that's often
> the only connection that applies to the device.  There can be multiple
> connections for each device, with static, DHCP, etc.

Well, current field scenario is this - user sees this connection, edit
it for manual IP, but after reboot it is back to DHCP, so this causes
huge confusion between users. So I suggest that Auto eth0 can be only
disabled, but not edited. If user wants additional connection for
device, it will create it.


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