Re: Setting static ip base on NetworkManager

On 08/03/2010 07:58 AM, Edward_Doong wistron com wrote:
> Dear,
> could someone teach me how i can set static ip base on NM.
> (gateway , DNS etc......)
> Now, if i don't use nm-applet to control NM.
> what can i do?
> i study NM DBus doc. But it doesn't define any Wifi or Wire staic ip.

Right, the DBus API spec describes (among other things) how to
add/replace/delete connections, but it doesn't discuss the contents of
the connection settings themselves. For that, you'd want to look at:

I'd also recommend looking at the example code in the examples/python
directory in the sources of the N-M daemon. Here it is on git: does pretty much exactly what you want to do. :)

Other good resources:
- The D-feet DBus debugger -
  I found it massively helpful when learning about NetworkManager and
  DBus in general.

Hope that helps!

Have a good one,

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