3G band/roaming preference?

Hello *,

I'm new here and I've subscribed to this list to find a reliable answer to two 

First one: does NM 0.8 support 2G/3G preference and roaming preference? (where 
"support" to me means that if I install the latest NM with latest nm-applet 
and ModemManager I get a GUI for selecting my preference and this gui is 
supposed to work). Rumors [1] say it "will" provide those functionalities when 
ModemManager "will" be checked in, which now has already happened to my 

Other rumors [2] say we have to wait for NM 0.8.1, but also that Fedora 
already has most of those gadgets up&running (despite 0.8.1 is not out yet).

NM Wiki [3] doesn't help much 'cause it says nothing about that.

1. http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2009-
2. http://blogs.gnome.org/dcbw/2010/04/07/networkmanager-0-8-the-taste-of-a-
3. http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/ReleaseProcess

What is the real truth?

Second question (less important, because it's not the correct list to ask): is 
it possible to install a new NM version (which supports 2g/3g preference) in 
Ubuntu 9.10 without upgrading the whole system? 

Thanks in advance,

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