Re: network-manager-openvpn

> > 1. It should be possible to activate simutaneously many openvpn
> > configurations using checkboxes instead of radiobuttons, (in server mode
> > also, say in a second time...).
> Yes, this is something that's been on the map for a while but there was
> other stuff that we considered more important.  It will take some rework
> internally in NetworkManager, though NM 0.7 already has half the work
> done.
> > 2. It should be possible to "import" any openvpn configuration file, eg:
> The 0.7 openvpn plugin should already be able to import an openvpn
> connection, but I think we just never got around to implementing export.

Every configuration parameter should be importable/modifiable, not only
the ones used in a given configuration.

> What specific configuration were you having problems with?  Can you
> attach that config so we can see what's going on with it?

My config was attached :) But someone may need to use other parameters
as well.
> > * Options not modifiable actually by network-manager-openvpn should also
> > be gathered and displayed, eg: in a dynamic listbox like for the routes,
> > with an add button. There could be a pop-up in the first column to set
> > or change the option name, an editable field in the second column to set
> > or change its value.

> 0.7 already provides the ability to specify custom routes to apply to
> the connection in addition to any routes sent by the server.

Read slowly, im not talking about routes here, talking about all the
openvpn parameters that are not yet configurable/importable with the
current graphical interface. They could just be configured through or
imported into a single listbox as described above.



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