Hi Vinícius,
I had a similar problem, but I am not using NM applet. I use plain
old wvdial just for geting auto-reconnect when the connection goes
down, what NM couldn't give me. It was solved doing as you did,
swtching to Windows and configuring the modem to accept only 3G
connections. It seems to me that the modem stores this information in
such a way that it stays there when using Linux (may be NM is not aware
of it), but fact is that now I always get a 3G high speed connection.
Maybe you have already solved your problem.
My modem is a Huawei E220 HSDPA Modem.
Joel Guilherme
Brasília - Brazil
Vinícius Vieira Marques escreveu:
Hi members of the Network Manager list.
I'm Vinícius from Brazil and I ask for help to the the following
problem when using network manager with a mobile (3G) network:
Here in my region i have both 3G (HSPA) and non-3G network (EDGE)
available. Lately, my connection started to get slow, then, i went to
the Windows OS to see the how network i was using. Under Windows, in
the modem software, i saw that i was connected using a EDGE network
(more slow) so, I adjusted the network preferences in the modem
software to use "only 3G network" (before the parameter was "prefer
3G network") and after this, i could connect to a HSPA network and use
the full speed of my subscriber plan.
But, in Ubuntu, i think the network manager is connecting using the
EDGE network because it's too slow. So, my question is: has the
network manager a parameter where i can set to connect only to a
3G/HSPA network (like "use only 3G/HSPA") and discard the other
slower networks?
I'm grateful for any help!
Regards and congratulations for this amazing program!
Vinícius Vieira Marques
Rondônia - Brazil
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