Re: NetworkManager-list Digest, Vol 61, Issue 37

>> Hi there,
>> I've been using my GSM with network manager for a while now (with a
>> USB cable).
>> With the beta release of ubuntu 9.10 (aka karmic koala -> nm 0.7.996),
>> my phone is also detected as broadband modem, but when I select it
>> from network-manager my phone crashes and then reboot :/ and nm says
>> that the connection failed.
>> Issued with Nokia E75 and Nokia N97
>I believe this was a bug in ModemManager that Alexander Sack just fixed.
>ModemManager should not be running the CFUN commands on Nokia phones,
>since CFUN=0 makes the phone shut off.  The MM enable sequence calls
>CFUN=1, which the nokia phones do not support (so much for standards)
>and an error is returned, then when NM directs MM to clean up the
>connection attempt, MM runs CFUN=0 which makes the phone shut down.
>Look for an update in 9.10 soon.
>commit 0bcdf6a7c105471b195203a4a9f065
>Author: Alexander Sack <asac jwsdot com>
>Date:   Tue Oct 13 15:14:14 2009 +0200
>   nokia: fix class property overrides to stop modemmanager from sending AT+CFUN (lp:450256)

Today's updates fixed the problem! (new git snapshot)

Thanks for the awesome job!


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