Why does NM always starts connection br0 when activating eth0?

I want to have a virtual lan for my virtual machines. So i defined a
static bridge br0 in /etc/network/interfaces with tap interfaces as
ports. Eth0 and wlan0 shall be managed by the Network Manager.

My problem now is that everytime when i plug a network cable into eth0
the Network Manager starts automatically the connection br0 instead of
eth0. I always have to switch manually using the nm-applet.

I already tried several combinations without success (ifupdown
managed=true/false, setting up eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces or as a
manual connection in nm-applet, ...). I found no way to tell the NM to
automatically connect to eth0 using dhcp as long as theres a static inet
bridge defined in /etc/network/interfaces.

Is there any solution to my problem?


Robert Velter <Robert Velter de>

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