Augmenting mobile-broadband-provider-info

Hi folks,

some guys and me are working on the projects and
recently I stumbled over mobile-broadband-provider-info. As among the
network/phone crowd there is a great need for such a central database,
we would love to use and base on that. Some things I feel are missing in
there though -- would you object to augment it with additional
information such as:

* full name per country
* dial prefix per country
* list of timezones per country

I know that all these information are available from other (often in the
form of lists of text) sources, but they are lacking the cross
references which we're after -- e.g. to get the timezone for a country
that has a certain MCC assigned.

I realize it would be more than just a mobile-broadband-provider-info
database in that case, but I'd rather see us contributing to this
project than creating another one.

What do you think?

Best regards,


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