Re: Multiple active devices

Hi Dan,

In south africa we have really over priced internet access. They therefore seperate the prices for international and local adsl packages. If I do a distribution upgrade, or download an ISO from local servers, I use my local account, and for normal browsing I use the international account. This save a substantial amount of money.

Another use case I come across a lot is sharing an adsl line. Because we pay for the amount of data downloaded plus the adsl line, many people here share their adsl line and each user buys his own data account. This makes it possible for each user to be billed for his own data usage without using a radius server. On the same local network there is also file sharing which makes it nice to have the ethernet and pppoe connections enabled.

Last year I also got my internet access from a wireless internet service provider, they used pppoe for users to connect to the internet, and I therefore had to make a pppoe over the wifi connection.

Thanks a lot,

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com> wrote:
On Sat, 2009-11-07 at 19:35 +0200, Rudolf Meijering wrote:
> Hi,
> NetworkManager is able to have multiple active devices, but still
> unable to connect to a PPPoE connection and eth0 at the same time.
> With the current design of NetworkManager how hard is it to implement
> being able to connect to both at the same time? Are there any plans to
> implement this in the foreseeable future?

It's been discussed a few times on the mailing list.  It's not hard, it
probably involves doing both the PPPoE and the normal IP4 config in
parallel like the IP4 and IP6 are done right now.  It's definitely been
requested quite a few times.

If I may ask, what's your network setup?  I'm trying to gather more
information on when people actually need to use PPPoE on their machine
instead of just letting their wifi/cable/dsl router do it for them.


Rudolf Meijering

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