Re: Default-Routing problems

On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 15:57 +0000, Colin Coombs wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 10:54 -0400, Dan Williams wrote:
> > On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 15:05 +0000, Colin Coombs wrote:
> > > But now I have another problem: the wired-Ethernet connection is somehow
> > > marked as read-only (display is greyed-out) so I cannot get to the
> > > Routes dialog at all! 
> > 
> > That probably means it's a read-only system connection.  Try adding
> > ONBOOT=no to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0; then that
> > read-only "System eth0" connection won't be automatically chosen.  Then
> > you can create a new Ethernet connection in the connection editor, set
> > routes, and it will be automatically used (unless you unchecked "connect
> > automatically...").
> > 
> Aha, that's the trick. I tried creating new connections with the Fedora
> config. tools and they were created read-only!
> > > Also, since the upgrade to the version from Fedora, I have to
> > > remove and replace my GSM dongle several times after any reboot before
> > > NetworkManager succeeds in connecting to the GSM network. When it fails,
> > > there are messages about modem init timeouts in the system log.
> > 
> > This is a Huawei modem, perhaps?  I just got one yesterday (E160G), and
> > it hangs a lot of the time.  What model is yours?
> > 
> Yes, it's a Huawei E220 which has been working quite happily for 6
> months or more. The problems have only started since the last Fedora
> upgrade - I attach an extract of the yum log showing the RPMs affected.
> Can you see any likely culprits in there apart from NM?

I got an E160G yesterday and have fixed a few issues with that, but it
seems there are worse issues.  I have no real answer why earlier
NetworkManager would work with these cards but the current one does not;
but if you don't mind testing a new build of NM, we can try the latest
stuff.  But first, can you grab the output of:

/sbin/udevadm info --export-db | grep GSM

for me?


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