Re: Network-Manager and Tethered Blackberry's

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 10:49 PM, Darren Albers <dalbers gmail com> wrote:
> I recently replaced my trusty Aircard 860 with a Blackberry Bold (So I
> no longer had to carry a Blackberry and an Aircard).
> The device works great using Barry
> ( and their provided
> chatscript but it uses the pty option to call their application called
> pppob which is used to communicate with the blackberry and initialize
> modem mode.
> I assume there is no way for Network-Manager to call the pty option?

Rick from the Barry Mailing list pointed me to his application
XmBlackberry which allows the Blackberry to be called over

Is there any documentation on what is needed in the 10-modem.fdi so
that Network Manager can recognize this device as a GSM Modem?


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