Where and how to install D02HW in ConnectionManager?

Basically I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm trying to get a
sanity check on my approach.

I live in Japan and connect to the Internet using a USB device from
eMobile, model D02HW. I am able to connect to the Internet using
pon. This requires putting a bunch of parameters into a file in
/etc/ppp/resolv/. However, I want to make it work with
ConnectionManager (0.7.0), but I can't figure out where the
parameters go.

The ConnectionManager in Ubuntu 8.10 (Ibex) shows only one listing
for mobile broadband for Japan. I thought the source of that entry
was in the xml serviceproviders.xml file in
/usr/share/mobile-broadband-provider-info/, but editing that file
directly does not seem to work. I have basically been trying to
create a parameter-less stub entry under the eMobile name, but
nothing happens. I can create such an entry in the ConnectionManager
itself, but I haven't been able to find out where it actually goes
(which might give me a hint about where the parameters should go).

First question: If this approach is reasonable, do I also need to
get a checksum and add it to the file
/mobile-broadband-provider.info.md5sums in /var/lib/dpkg/info/?

Second question, will it help to study the source code at this


Personal background: I was a database programmer many years ago, but
these days I rarely even dabble, and mostly in JavaScript or Perl on
those occasions, so I'm dubious about being able to figure it out on
that approach. I've never done much work in C or Java.

I'm not even sure if the device is best handled as a DSM device,
which seems to be what is currently failing to happen, and I don't
really see how to use the corresponding parameters. Since I think
the pon parameters may make matters obvious to someone who actually
knows how this works, I'm including them here:

user "em em"
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/pap -T *99***1#"

Only other hint I can offer is that I have to "jiggle it" to use the
connection with pon. The connection is holding fine, but often it is
not initially accessible to application programs like Firefox.

Yahoo! JAPAN - Internet safety for children and parents.

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