Re: Wireless connection to "(none)"

Hi Dan,
As we had Already Discussed this and I had Created an Patch for this Bug which is in NetworkManager.And you had a look into it earlier.Could I checked in this patch Into NetworkManager CVS.So We could Closed this Bug after checked in patch.

sanjeev sharma 
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com> wrote:
On Sun, 2009-02-01 at 00:57 +0100, Ermanno Bonifazi wrote:
> Network manager shows in the tooltip to be connected to "(none)"
> network name, even if is connected to a specific Wireless LAN (e.g.
> WLAN) and is correctly working.
> In fact is I right click on connection information the name WLAN with
> the correct IP is shown.
> Any hint?

What version of NetworkManager?  When you see this bug, and you run
'nm-tool', does a "*" show up next to the wifi network you should be
connected to?


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