option products with network-manager-0.7.1~rc4.1.cf199a964

Hey all,
I hope this is the correct place to provide several patches for the
network-manager. It seems the version included in ubuntu 9.04 is not
working correctly with most option products (using hso driver). Attached
are patches for two files. These were made against version
0.7.1~rc4.1.cf199a964. Please find below a short description of the
contents of each patch. I tried to make the changes as simple and
straightforward as possible, probably it's not the best way but you
should get the idea and can make it better/cleaner if needed :) 
If you have comments/suggestions/etc... please keep me in cc since I am
not subscribed to this mailinglist.

-detection of network interface: At the moment the code assumes that the
network interface and the serial interface are part of the same USB
interface. This is only true for older products. For new products the
serial and network interface are on separate USB interfaces. Modified it
so it looks at the parent of the parent of the interface which should be
the same.

-authentication: When no username or password are provided the
authentication fails. Also several products use an icera chipset and
these need to use the command at_opdpp. Now it will first try the old
method and if it fails try authentication with at_opdpp.
-setting up connection: Products with icera chipsets print _OWANCALL: 1,
2 before _OWANCALL: 1, 1. Now code will wait for "_OWANCALL: 1, 1" or
"_OWANCALL: 1,1" reply.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Elebaut 

Attachment: nm-hso-gsm-device.patch
Description: nm-hso-gsm-device.patch

Attachment: nm-hal-manager.patch
Description: nm-hal-manager.patch

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