Re: Patch to nm-modem-probe

Hi, i'm a owner of a ZTE MF626.

I'm having exactly the problems described in this tread. But, i think
i've found a workarround (some like that)

It seems that the ttyUSB1 (the first usable interfase in the modem,
the conection with usable by nm is on ttyUSB2) is used to send and
recive SMS messages (a service that i'dont recive from my provider),
but i'm having good results with this modem doing this:

- sending (in ttyUSB1) the comand "ATE0+CPMS?\r" proposed.
- after that, runing gnome-phone-manager on that port. I can't know if
this program is working, cos i can't recive SMS's. But it seems to me
that it keeps the buffer clean and prevent hangs.

all this only works when the modem starts completly showing me BOTH
terminals in nm-applet (

Just a idea: Check signal strengt in ttyUSB1 seems to work (AT+CSQ?).
Maybe a SMS and signalstrengt applet can be done.

Hope this help,
David Ochoa

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