Re: Problems with Networkmanager 0.7

Dan Williams wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 09:30 +0800, Ronald Wiplinger (Lists) wrote:
>> Dan Williams wrote: 
>>> On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 07:18 +0800, Ronald Wiplinger (Lists) wrote:
>>>> I had to install 0.7 in order to get my E220 to work.  Works fine! I use
>>>> Ubuntu 8.0.4 on my EeePC 1000 / 901
>>>> However, I got some other problems with it.
>>>> 1. Each time I connect to the network I have to key in the Shared key,
>>>> although it is saved. I can go to Edit that connection and even show the
>>>> key. What gone wrong with that? Why does it not take the key
>>>> automatically? How to fix it?
>>> It might be that the card isn't connecting within the timeout, thus NM
>>> asks for a new key because it thinks your key is wrong.  Does it connect
>>> the second time if you just hit "OK" without editing the key itself?
>>> This could indicate a driver problem.  What driver is 8.04 using on your
>>> machine?
>> There is no "OK", there is a Cancel or type in Key and Connect.
> Ah, I mean connect.  Does it work if you just hit "Connect" again?  NM
> only asks for keys if the driver fails to associate to the access point.

Now I am getting totally frustrated!
I "had" to install Networkmanager 0.7, because I also use an E220 to
connect to the Internet.

This morning an "update" arrived via Ubuntu updates. First smile after
rebooting was: GREAT it connects now automatically to the network again!
But I was / am very frustrated, because I have now to disconnect in
order to open an application.
While I am connected ANY (did I mention ANY) application, including
terminal, ... will just show "starting up ..." and die silently.

I have now to disconnect, open all applications I might need now and can
then connect again (no password question, it knows my password ;-) ) and
can continue to work. Not the way I like to work forever, .... hopefully
somebody finds the bug soon and gives me the solution how to install it,
because, if I am connected, I cannot open the update, and if I am not
connected, I cannot download the update, ....



>> If I hit twice Cancel I get the icon of the Network manager in the top
>> bar with the information box, that I am not connected.
>> Left mouse button shows me my wireless connection as found, but not
>> connected.
>> Selecting it requires me to key in the key and connect.
>> HOW can I avoid that?
>> There seems to be a lost of "communication" between the network
>> manager and my passwords, since Seahorse does know all my wireless
>> keys.
>> How can I see which "driver" my system is using? Which driver do you
>> mean?
> An '/sbin/lsmod' would show which modules are loaded from which we can
> deduce what driver is used.  Otherwise, try '/usr/bin/nm-tool' which
> shows what NetworkManager thinks.
>>>> As mentioned above I have an EeePC 1000 and 901. While 901 does not ask
>>>> me for the key, 1000 does. The OS is on a SD card cloned to the other
>>>> one. Somewhere these two versions drifted apart.
>>>> 2. I have two users, and I cannot get Networkmanager to work at the
>>>> second users account. I though it will be globally installed.
>>> Each user stores their own networks.  Fast user switching probably
>>> doesn't work right now, but if you log in as the other user (without
>>> fast user switching) it should work.  I'd probably need logs
>>> from /var/log/daemon.log to diagnose.
>> Cool!
>> Serious, I do not get a Networkmanager icon there, so how can I start
>> a connection?
> Fast user switching needs some work still.
>>>> 3. Most annoying is that, if for any reason I lose the wireless
>>>> connection, the icon changes to no connection. The right click on the
>>>> icon shows me ticked Enable Network. It cannot be unticked. There is no
>>>> Enable Wireless. And a ping to a remote site works with and without
>>>> plugged in Ethernet cable, so that I cannot say which connection it
>>>> actually is using, since the left click on the icon gives me only the
>>>> choice to use VPN, which I have not setup at all.
>>> Can you explain this a bit more?  Are you plugged into both wired and
>>> wireless at the same time?  If "Enable Wireless" doesn't exist, yet you
>>> see the wireless device in the menu when you left-click, that isn't
>>> something that upstream NetworkManager does.  You might want to file a
>>> bug in Launchpad on that particular one.
>> Exactly!
>> bye
>> Ronald
>>> Dan
>>>> 4. I got already several updates automatically via Ubuntu updates, but
>>>> it remains always 0.7 and no apparently changes.
>>>> bye
>>>> R.
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