Problems with Networkmanager 0.7

I had to install 0.7 in order to get my E220 to work.  Works fine! I use
Ubuntu 8.0.4 on my EeePC 1000 / 901

However, I got some other problems with it.

1. Each time I connect to the network I have to key in the Shared key,
although it is saved. I can go to Edit that connection and even show the
key. What gone wrong with that? Why does it not take the key
automatically? How to fix it?
As mentioned above I have an EeePC 1000 and 901. While 901 does not ask
me for the key, 1000 does. The OS is on a SD card cloned to the other
one. Somewhere these two versions drifted apart.

2. I have two users, and I cannot get Networkmanager to work at the
second users account. I though it will be globally installed.

3. Most annoying is that, if for any reason I lose the wireless
connection, the icon changes to no connection. The right click on the
icon shows me ticked Enable Network. It cannot be unticked. There is no
Enable Wireless. And a ping to a remote site works with and without
plugged in Ethernet cable, so that I cannot say which connection it
actually is using, since the left click on the icon gives me only the
choice to use VPN, which I have not setup at all.

4. I got already several updates automatically via Ubuntu updates, but
it remains always 0.7 and no apparently changes.



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