Re: networkmanager

On Fri, 2008-09-26 at 16:38 -0700, Agile Aspect wrote:
> Hi - I have NetworkManager running on Fedora 9 x86_64 with the
> AR5007EG chipset and nm-tool indicates it's working.
> Does this mean if I walk into Starbucks, for instance, the
> NetworkManager will magically work and pop up a login
> GUI?

NM will (by default) remember wifi access points you've connected to
before, and if you come in range of one it'll try to automatically
connect to that AP (unless you've told it not to).

It won't automatically log into the starbucks captive portal for you
though since this is a layer above wifi.  There are several solutions
kicking around.

> If not, how do I construct a complete solution?

There's been some discussion on this list recently (thread "Web-based
Network Login").  Basically, there are tools out there that will do this
for you, but you get to write a "dispatcher" script that will be called
by NetworkManager whenever the wifi device goes up or down.  When it
goes up and is connected to a particular AP, that script would trigger
those existing tools to handle this.

> Where can I find additional information on NetworkManager?
> I've tried Googling but the only information I can seem to find
> is an interview with Dan Williams - or the information is a couple
> of years old.

We do desperately need documentation; this list is probably your best
bet until we can all come up for air from working on a 0.7 release and
write some docs.


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