Adding the MCC/MNC codes to m-b-p-i

[moved to own thread from "[ANNOUNCE] ModemManager (for GSM and CDMA)"]

ke, 2008-09-17 kello 14:10 +0100, Stuart Ward kirjoitti:
> Antti
> Is it possible to add fields to this database. I am thinking of adding
> the MCC/MNC codes (Mobile Country code / mobile network code)

Yes. We can do that. Do you have any suggestions how the database
format[1] should be changed? Would it be sufficient to add a 'mcc'
attribute to <country> element and a 'mnc' attribute to <provider>

<country="foo" mcc="000">
  <provider mnc="00">
    <name>Foo Provider</name>
    <cdma />

> some phones that perhaps do not have a complete list will show these
> codes rather than the network name if they do not have the correct
> mapping stored in them. 

Would it be possible to query the phone for mcc/mnc ID and based on that
suggest the user a list of providers which she might be using?

 -- Antti


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