dns settings disapear when updating a NetworkManager GSM connection

Hi all.

I'm working on setting modifying NM connections for gsm. I can, add, remove, use, everything goes well. Now I'm working on updating conections to provide a way of modify them from the app instead NM.

I'm using python.

I have the properties in the right way response={'connection':{props},'gsm':{props},'ipv4:'{props},'ppp':{prps},'serial':{props}}

profile is the object


Everything goes well, the values change and get stored ok, but the dns list, gets broken. At the moment of the updating, I can see in gconf-editor dns <not values> and then dissapears, so the property get lost.

I've tried, to set it up later.

   client = gconf.client_get_default()
 _path = os.path.join(profile_path, 'ipv4', 'dns')
 client.set_list(_path, gconf.VALUE_INT, opts['ipv4']['dns'])

But stills broken and lost, I cannot see it  anymore in gconf.

I'm using the Update method as the way I see in d-feet, that it should be
Update(Dict of {string,Dict of {string, Variant} properties})

So I think that I'm doing the things in the right way, but I also wonder, looking at the results, that I'm missing something.

I hope to hear from you for some advice with this issues.


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