Re: I might be asking for DHCP support, but I'm not sure

On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 14:04 -0400, Dan Williams wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 09:20 -0400, Matt Burkhardt wrote:
> > Basically, I have three computers - two laptops and a server.  They
> > all hook up to my Linksys Wireless Router fine, but they get different
> > IP addresses at different times.
> Right; this is normal for DHCP depending on which client requests
> addresses at which times.  If your laptop requests an address before the
> desktop, the laptop will generally get the lower address.
That is interesting because on my home network all machines get the same
address no matter in which order they are turned on.
Revolution, n.: A form of government abroad.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam sbcglobal net

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