NetworkManager-vpnc configuration

Haven't seen anything about this lately, so was wondering if there's any

I have an issue with VPNC's dead peer detection on my university's Cisco
VPN, so I need to turn it off.  In my vpnc config file, I have 

        DPD idle timeout (our side) 0

This works fine if I start vpnc from a console, but there isn't any way
to set this option in NM's vpnc config screens.  Is this something
that's hard to add, and if not, is there any hope of seeing it in the
near future?

Also, VPNC now allows setting of the obfuscated secret, rather than the
plaintext secret.  I know about the weakness in Cisco's secret
encryption, but it would be handier and less likely to violate
university policy (however silly) if I could just tell people to use the
obfuscated secret.  Could that be added as an option to the NM-vpnc

BTW, I tried importing my VPNC config file, but NM-vpnc rejected it.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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