Re: Fedora 9 NetworkManager

On Thu, 2008-05-01 at 11:27 -0400, Gene Poole wrote:
> A couple of weeks ago I installed the then Fedora 9 Beta on 2 AMD based
> machines (1 - AMD Athlon XP +2400 and 1 - AMD Athlon 750 Mhz) and had all
> sorts of issues with Network Manager and my wired network at home.  It's a
> small network so all of my IP addresses are static (  From
> that experience I sent several message to this list and I received several
> good responses (Thanks Dan Williams and drago01).  I didn't respond with
> the requested information because I wanted to try the install one more
> time, which I did with out any errors!

Since your last mail, there have been a number of updates to various
pieces that should fix most of your issues.  Anaconda (the installer)
will now write the correct DNS tags in the ifcfg files, and NM will pick
those up and set up /etc/resolv.conf correctly.  I think that was the
largest of the issues.

You should probably update your machines to the latest F9 package set,
since there have been quite few fixes since the last beta release.  For
instance, the current F9 NM version is svn3623.


> The difference seems to be that the last install (using the same
> installation media in all cases) was on a Intel Pentium 4 dual-core (a Dell
> 280).  I am looking for another Intel based machine so I can get a 2:2
> comparison.
> Could the process be using or referencing something that is slightly
> different between the 2 micro-processor companies as it deals with
> resolv.conf? But only during the installation because all 3 machines are
> running perfectly post install.  Another thing is that I immediately
> install WebMin, stop and turn-off NetworkManager, start and turn-on the
> network daemon, manually update the resolv.conf.
> Thanks,
> Gene Poole
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