Re: NM 0.7 svn on Gentoo

Rod Keenan wrote:
I'm attempting to get NM 0.7 working on an older Dell
laptop. I've successfully installed an earlier version of NM before on a different laptop, but this is my first attempt at this version
with this kernel.

On eth0 it seems that dhcp isn't working since ping
returns unknown host and /etc/resolv.conf isn't getting populated. (Or isn't that used anymore?) The hardware seems to be probed and configured correctly with the right drivers and firmware but the knetworkmanager applet shows: No network device found.

knetworkmanager-0.2.* doesn't work with NM 0.7.

You should use nm-applet (GNOME).

There is an updated version of k-n-m [1] though which requires dbus-1-qt3 [2]. It's still missing some functionality, but upstreams are working on it.


[1] svn://
[2] svn://
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