Re: Network Manager for embedded Linux

On Thu, 2008-06-05 at 00:13 -0700, Nitin Mahajan wrote:
> HI!
> I am planning to build and test the Network Manager 0.6.5 for embedded Linux for a MIPS based CPU.

Any particular reason you wouldn't use 0.7?  0.7 is a lot more flexible
and probably more suited for embedded systems where you likely want more
control over the network configuration.

Also, are you planning on just using the NM daemon, or do you want to
use the GNOME applet too?

> Can anyone give me some inputs about configuration and dependencies when trying to do so? What do I specify for --with-distro in configuration?

You could create your own distro target.  It mainly affects what backend
is used for some IP configuration (see src/backends/*) and not much
else.  On 0.7 the distro-specific backends are pretty much empty because
we've been able to generalize most of it, so you wouldn't have to do
much work on 0.7.

If you're just using NetworkManager, then you'll need bits like libnl,
glib2, and dbus-glib.  The configure script will tell you if you're
missing anything.  I could go into more details about the dependencies,
but that would depend on whether you'd like to use 0.6.6 or 0.7-pre.


> Thanks and regards
> -Nitin
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