Re: Improving providers database

Steven Lizarazo pisze:
> Hi, I am  from Colombia, my name is Steven Lizarazo
> I want to help to the project submiting some provider data
> Country: Colombia
> Movil provider: Comcel
> Number :*99#
> Password: COMCELWEB
> AP Name:
> only PAP must be activated 
> I hope this helps the project, there are two aditional movil internet providers, I will try to submit that information soon.
> Bye.

Here's the providers' data for Poland:
'Era GSM':
APN = 'erainternet'
username = 'erainternet'
password = 'erainternet'
'Era TakTak':
APN = 'erainternettt'
username = 'erainternet'
password = 'erainternet'
'Plus GSM':
APN = ''
username = 'plusgsm'
password = 'plusgsm'
'Plus Simplus':
APN = ''
username = 'plusgsm'
password = 'plusgsm'
APN = 'internet'
username = 'internet'
password = 'internet'
'Orange GO':
APN = 'internet'
username = 'internet'
password = 'internet'
APN = 'internet'
username = 'internet'
password = 'internet'
APN = ''
username = 'internet'
password = 'internet'

## Przemysław Kulczycki <<>> Azrael Nightwalker ##
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