Re: iwl3945 fails to associate to open, non-broadcast network

On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 11:24 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Running fedora 7 with kernel-, trying to
> connect to a non-broadcasting open network using iwl3945.
> I see this in dmesg:
> eth1: Initial auth_alg=0
> eth1: authenticate with AP 00:0e:d7:91:94:70
> eth1: RX authentication from 00:0e:d7:91:94:70 (alg=0 transaction=2 status=0)
> eth1: authenticated
> eth1: associate with AP 00:0e:d7:91:94:70
> eth1: RX AssocResp from 00:0e:d7:91:94:70 (capab=0x0 status=45552 aid=0)
> eth1: AP denied association (code=45552)
> eth1: associate with AP 00:0e:d7:91:94:70
> eth1: RX deauthentication from 00:0e:d7:91:94:70 (reason=2)
> eth1: deauthenticated
> what is status code 45552?  google says nothing about it.
> I can try downgrading to an older kernel to test.
> This happens both with and without NM so it's probably a driver
> bug but I was hoping that the greater NM community might know.

The 45552 sounds bogus; IEEE 802.11 association response codes are
8-bits.  Could be some internal status code.


> Thanks,
> -derek

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