Re: questions re WEP keys

On Wednesday 24 January 2007 09:21, Timo Hoenig wrote:
>On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 09:11 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> 20 some years ago I was dreaming in hexidecimal, writing code for 8
>> bitters like the 1802, Z-80(spit) and the 6x09 stuff, and I would have
>> taken you up on that in a heartbeat.
>Hey, I'm happy to see the ZX-81 emulator running on my PlayStation
>Portable, even today :-)
>> But now I'm 72, and don't seem to be able to get my head around much
>> more than a bash script these days.
>I'm sure that you will see most of your requests being fulfilled as
>NetworkManager evolves.
>In general, depending on the support of your distribution, it is already
>now possible to use profiles.  Even with NetworkManager.  But, again, I
>am not able to help much as my experience with Fedora is near zero.
>If you monitor this list you will see feature requests on a regular
>basis.  You can expect the developers to pick them up if appropriate.
>   Timo

I'm sure it is moving at a visible pace there in your camp, but the 
distro's seem to be picking this up at what I'll be kind and call a 
glacial pace.  At least now, if all the stars align correctly, it works.  
If you go back in the archives for last spring you'll see that I finally 
gave it up and killed it, and then I could setup the configs by hand and 
get it to work.  It continued to work, IIRC for the majority of my time 
in Iron Mountain, until sometime in July (I think) at which point I 
borrowed one of the motels little d-link radios and plugged it into the 
cat5 connector.  I don't know how many NM updates have come into the 
pipeline for FC5, and quite a few attempts since then till this morning 
have always failed, requiring I get out a chunk of cat5 and plug it 
straight into my 8 port switch if I wanted a net connection.  Then this 
morning I finally made it work again.

The question now is, is this mornings results repeatable? No.  It still 
asks kwalletmanager, and when I close that it opens a requestor for the 
passphase which I change to be the hex key, than cat the keys-wlan0 file 
and paste the first key into the box and click connect.

Then it works.

The next question after that one, for when I get a enable key for dd-wrt, 
is how much trouble is it to convert WEP to WAP(2), which I'm told is 
considerably more secure?  My neighborhood seems to be sprouting 802-11g 
circuits recently & I just as soon not be sharing a connection if I can 
help it.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Copyright 2007 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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