Re: NetworkManager make errors and DBUS

On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 21:58 +1300, Simon Geard wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-01-09 at 22:44 +0000, Eug� Suter wrote:
> > The OP was told that DBUS 1.0 needs a patch, but I'm using DBUS 1.0.1,
> > so shouldn't that already be fixed?
> It's not that D-Bus 1.0 needs a patch - it's that NM needs a patch in
> order to work with the newer D-Bus.
> > If I do need to apply the patch, where can I get it and how can I
> > apply it to the dbus source, so that I can rebuild my DBUS package? 
> I've attached the one I've been using, which fixes a couple of D-Bus
> compatibility issues. To apply it, save it somewhere, and run the
> following command from within the NM source tree:
> patch -Np1 -i /path/to/patch/NetworkManager-0.6.4-dbus_api.patch
> Then configure and build as normal.

Except that dbus_connection_close() is deprecated and you'll get a
message yelling at you (and possibly a crash) when it's used.  The
stable branch tip has the correct fixes for that:

in libnm_glib, replace calls to dbus_connection_disconnect() with:

		dbus_connection_unref (ctx->dbus_con);
		ctx->dbus_con = NULL;

And in NetworkManagerDbus.c (same as your patch):

	dbus_error_init (&error);
	ret = dbus_bus_request_name (connection, NM_DBUS_SERVICE, flags, &error);


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